Gazal Al Kadhara Trading Co. LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Gazal Al Kadhara Trading Co. LLC
Seller ID: SA9289349557
Registration Date: 01-09-2017 12:43:37
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Food and Condiments Manufacturing
Established Year: 1996
Total Staff:
Category: Food Products
Sub Category: Foods and Condiments Manufacturers

Gazal Al Kadhara Trading Co. LLC

Gazal Al Kadhara Trading Co. LLC established in 1996 is one of the most preferred name in Oman’s foods and condiments producing and marketing industry. We pioneer in marketing a wide range of products that include spices, pulses, dry fruits, nuts and Arabic coffee under the brand GAZAL. Over the years GAZAL has attained significant market share by way of offering exceptional high quality products. At Gazal, quality is always given the first priority. We are committed to continuous improvement in our processes to ensure that our customers get the finest products. Utmost care is taken to ensure each product that reaches our customer upholds the best of quality and purity standards. Finest of crops are chosen to enhance the taste in the most natural way without any additives. We understand the fact that no product can get as good as it could without an unprecedented support from who makes it. At Gazal, we have the best talents who are specialized in the food industry. Our congenial work environment adds value to the products we sell and ensures that only best reaches our valued customers

   Gazal Al Kadhara Trading Co. LLC

   P.O Box: 489, PC 315 Sawaiq, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 26712294



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