Haya Water (SAOC), Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
Haya Water (SAOC)
Seller ID: SA9335587538
Registration Date: 06-11-2017 14:42:49
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Environmental Services
Established Year: 2002
Total Staff: 501-1000
Category: Environmental Services
Sub Category: Environmental Audit

Haya Water (SAOC)

Haya Water - a registered trademark of Oman Wastewater Services Company SAOC was established in December 2002 as a closed stock totally owned by the Government of the Sultanate of Oman, and has been awarded the concession to develop, design, implement, operate and maintain the wastewater facilities in Muscat Governorate in accordance with the Royal Decree No. 69/2005. Haya Water is steadily advancing to implement one of the largest engineering projects in the field of re-use of treated wastewater it is also looking forward to accomplish its primary objective of making Oman one of the pioneer countries around the globe. This is achieved by improving the health levels of all citizens and residents, contribute in reducing pollution caused by conventional sewage systems and preventing the spread of diseases and epidemics. In addition, Haya Water contributes in protecting groundwater sources from pollution and maintaining the water reservoir since it is a national treasure which requires our cumulative efforts to preserve it for future generations.

   Haya Water (SAOC)

   PO Box 1047, PC 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 80077111



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