Iskan Oman Investment Company SAOC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Iskan Oman Investment Company SAOC
Seller ID: SA2191541343
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 15:47:48
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Private Equity Investment
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Invesment Company
Sub Category: Private Equity Investment

Iskan Oman Investment Company SAOC

Iskan Oman Investment Company SAOC (Iskan Oman) is a closely held joint stock company incorporated under the Commercial Companies Law of Sultanate of Oman in the year 2008 with an authorised capital of RO 100 million (USD 258 million) and paid-up capital of RO 25 million (USD 65 million). Iskan Oman is set-up by a diversified base of financially strong and well-reputed shareholders from the Sultanate of Oman and the State of Kuwait, our shareholders include prominent financial institutions, government pension funds, high net worth individuals and companies. Two major shareholders are Housing Finance Company (ISKAN) K.S.C. headed by HH Sheikh Abdullah Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah and The Public Institution for Social Security (Kuwait). Our mission is to grow into a company of international repute and standard. We constantly strive to increase the value of our business through the use of highly efficient structures and practices. We place priority on maintaining high ethical values, integrity and are committed to fair business practices. We firmly believe in developing a corporate culture that eagerly accepts new challenges and promotes free-thinking

   Iskan Oman Investment Company SAOC

   P.O.Box 79, P.C. 118, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 118


   +968 24662600



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