Jal Engineering Services LLC, Al Hamriyah, , Sultanate of Oman
Jal Engineering Services LLC
Seller ID: SA5888292942
Registration Date: 26-10-2017 17:43:42
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Industrial Services
Established Year: 1997
Total Staff:
Category: Industrial Services
Sub Category: Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

Jal Engineering Services LLC

Since inception in 1997, the company provides highly regarded professional services to industrial, residential & commercial projects in Sultanate of Oman We are committed to provide unique solutions, implementing innovative practices and always completing projects in a professional, effective, efficient and focused manner. We are committed to provide unique solutions, implementing innovative practices and always completing projects in a professional, effective, efficient and focused manner. JES is committed to providing quality professional engineering services, developing long term relationship, adapting to the changing needs of our client, industry and meeting expectations of clients being a contributing member for the progress of the nation.We are staffed with personnel having varied technical skills, and a team of specialist Managers and Engineers that work together and are fully conversant with all aspects of Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation Contracts. A team of specialist Draughtsman, Supervisors, Foremen, and Tradesmen who are equipped with the latest and quality equipment's & tools required to execute large and technically demanding projects further compliments with the team of Engineers

   Jal Engineering Services LLC

   P.O. 529, P.C. 131, Al Hamriyah, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24590473



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