Klaah Al Malada Trad and Cont, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Klaah Al Malada Trad and  Cont
Seller ID: SA8243329778
Registration Date: 28-08-2017 17:20:51
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Electro Mechanical and Maintenance
Established Year: 1998
Total Staff:
Category: Transport & Contracting Company
Sub Category:

Klaah Al Malada Trad and Cont

Klaah Al Malada Trad & Cont (KMTC) was established as an electromechanical maintenance and contracting company in 1998 and was registered as a private limited liability company with a Company Registration No. 1559931. The company is registered as grade A with the National Tender Board and B Grade with Oman’s Distribution Code Review Panel (DCRP). We also have a registration for electrical, mechanical and civil works with the Ministry of Defense and electrical, mechanical works with the Royal Guard of Oman. Klaah Al Malada Trad& Cont has considerable experience within the electrical engineering and contracting industry. We are able to offer a total integration service, from concept to installation to final commissioning. This service is based on management utilization of a team of a technical team, combining a wealth of experience and proven professional skills located, beside the head office, at more than six locations throughout the Sultanate. We pride ourselves on our ability to respond quickly to customer requirements. Our Organization is set up to provide a fast turnaround of projects, in line with agreed completion dates. We are accustomed to completion of installation projects that comply with current electrical standards and legislation within the Sultanate of Oman. We have a team of experienced estimators, project managers, electrical engineers, Surveyors, Draftsmen, maintenance engineers, foreman, electrical site supervisors, lineman, power & desalination plant maintenance and operators, cable jointers, electrical technicians, plumbers, not to mention our support and admin staff from different Countries.

   Klaah Al Malada Trad and Cont

   P.O Box 4,P.Code 314, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman 314

   +968 99051038, 92525843




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