Kunooz Oman Holding, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Kunooz Oman Holding
Seller ID: SA6662671838
Registration Date: 21-08-2017 12:43:38
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Mining & Metals
Established Year: 2014
Total Staff: 501-1000
Category: Minerals & Metallurgy
Sub Category:

Kunooz Oman Holding

Kunooz was incorporated in January 2014 following the consolidation of five subsidiaries and two associates within the mining, quarrying, transportation and construction materials sectors. Dean Cunningham, CEO said “Our current strategy involved ramping up and optimizing our current operations and balance sheet, identifying new opportunities and acquisition targets in order to become a key player in the mining space”. The founders, the Al Rawas Family members have disinvested 20% of their shareholding in September 2016 to the Oman Investment Fund. The inclusion of OIF as a shareholder will increase investor confidence, lend credibility and strengthen Kunooz’s transformation into a public company.

   Kunooz Oman Holding

   PO Box 95, P.C. 136, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24222600,24222601



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