Maktoom Trading and Contracting Company LLC, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate Of Oman
Maktoom Trading and Contracting Company LLC
Seller ID: SA7473275123
Registration Date: 25-09-2017 16:18:40
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Trading & Contracting Company
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Contracting Company
Sub Category: Electro Mechanical & Maintenance

Maktoom Trading and Contracting Company LLC

Maktoom Trading & Contracting Company LLC (Maktoom) is the leading service provides for Artificial Lift System which included and not limited to Reciprocating Rod Pump Services, Progressive Cavity Pump Services, Electrical Submersible Pump Services, Rotaflex Services in major oil blocks of Oman and Middle East. Working in more than 10 blocks since more than 10 years with multinational skilled work force, Maktoom Supplies the industry’s most comprehensive range of products and services, from maintenance to construction work. We also provide our customers the best range of inspection service, expertise and equipments in Non Destructive testing (NDT) includes UT, RT, MPT, post weld heat treatment services (PWHT) and specialization inspection services. The organizations known today have expanded into many other fields of operation that has led to its present status as a wide spectrum of Construction, & Maintenance services. Our Services ensure that all of your requirements are covered from small to large Projects. We engaged in offering Quality Contracting Services with a Competitive edge. Our Mission is to be first choice of all our Clients.

   Maktoom Trading and Contracting Company LLC

   P.O.Box: 2493, Postal Code: 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24499820



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