Muscat Grand Mall, Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
Muscat Grand Mall
Seller ID: SA2418649583
Registration Date: 28-09-2017 16:37:39
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Shopping Mall
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Shopping Mall
Sub Category: Shopping Centre

Muscat Grand Mall

Muscat Grand Mall: With more than 150 retail stores, one end of the mall boasts a modern department store and the other a traditional Arabic souk, with a landscaped oasis in the middle. The 30 outlets family-friendly food court is near the entertainment arcade offering electronic games, rides, and 3 cinemas. The upper level provides a spectacular view of the sea. A supermarket and various service outlets are located on the ground floor, with convenient access to the large 1,800 bay parking lot.

   Muscat Grand Mall

   PO Box 153, PC 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22000000,22000022



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