Old Muscat tourism, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Old Muscat tourism
Seller ID: SA8611736236
Registration Date: 25-09-2017 14:41:18
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Tour and Travel
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Tours and Travel
Sub Category: Travel Agency

Old Muscat tourism

Old Muscat Tourism is a tour operator based in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. We called ourselves Old Muscat Tourism, as we want to be associated with the kind of tourism that put Muscat right at the center of the tourism map, rich both in cultural diversity and natural wonders. We understand that a huge part of that blissful holiday glow is attributed to successful travel planning. And we at Old Muscat Tourism simply take pride in knowing that careful but creative travel planning is not our goal, but our standard. If you want to have a relaxing beach holiday in one of Oman’s resorts and hotels or if you feel adventurous enough to brave the deserts and wadis, you can always lean on us to help you craft your holiday itinerary. We guarantee that we can be your reliable local partner, whatever your definition of a perfect trip to Oman will be

   Old Muscat Tourism

   P.O.Box 983, Postal Code 111, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman

   +968 99354583, 99352886

   +968 24539342



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