Stratallig International Trading LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate Of Oman
Stratallig International Trading LLC
Seller ID: SA2874959523
Registration Date: 20-09-2017 11:18:16
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Transmission & Distribution Plant
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Electrical Products

Stratallig International Trading LLC

Stratallig International Trading LLC Retailing is best defined as - The sale of goods or commodities in small or large quantities directly to consumers. Stratallig International Trading LLC in Oman is the retail arm of Stratallig Group. Under one roof the customers can get all their requirements of Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing items. be it Philips Lights or Philips Fitting, MK switches, sockets, Haiger water mixers, Exhaust, ceiling fans; Special construction materials you name it Stratallig has the stock. Customers walk into our sprawling store at the outskirt of Muscat and order their goods which is delivered to them anywhere in Oman within 72 hours. We take our Store to Customers Doorstep Retail Division has mobile store which drives down to various places in the interiors and main towns of Wilyat. Small and medium size customers and direct consumers can buy their products from the store van and can place their large order to be delivered later. Customers may buy a few electric bulbs, a box of steel nail, cartoons of Philips Electric tube lights. Place orders for large quantities of Tiles, Glues, fittings & fixtures from samples available onboard of the van.

   Stratallig International Trading LLC

   PO Box 2378. Postal Code 112, Ruwi, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24832538



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