T-shirts Printing Oman, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
T-shirts Printing Oman
Seller ID: SA1491693941
Registration Date: 28-07-2017 12:55:00
Free Member / Active
Business Type:
Established Year: 2007
Total Staff:
Category: Clothing Company
Sub Category: T-Shirts Manufacturer

T-shirts Printing Oman

T shirts company in Muscat, Oman Customized T-shirts Manufacturer & printer, Caps, Customized Uniform manufacturer & Embroidery, Promotional Items with Printing. We have our stitching and printing unit in Ajman (UAE) and office in Oman. After covering 75% UAE market now we just started our business in Oman to provide better services. Tshirts Oman offer variety of products that are used by the industry search engine that are unique and new. All products can be easily order by only a single phone call to our friendly customer service staff. We are one of the leading personalized T Shirt printers in U.A.E. that use the most modern printing methods to create the best T Shirts to suit your requirements. A printed T Shirt makes you / your staff different on every occasion. If you have an idea or picture in your mind that you want to flaunt on your T Shirt on a special occasion / Staff uniform so you can make that dream into reality with customized slogans, photos, and other T Shirt designs

   T-shirts Printing Oman

   1st Floor, Future Technology Way # 3707 Opposite Family super market, Computer Market,, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 97367321

   +968 24700208



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