Vijay Tanks and Company LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Vijay Tanks and Company LLC
Seller ID: SA2238693765
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 11:02:43
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil & Energy
Established Year: 1984
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Oil and Energy
Sub Category: Tankages

Vijay Tanks and Company LLC

Vijay Tanks Overseas Ltd. [VTO] was created and registered in Guernsey, UK, in 1984 with the express purpose of specializing as a designer and constructor of Liquid Storage Solutions. Since its inception, it has been actively involved in the Middle East with its first client being the Ministry of Defense, Oman, for a contract worth approximately $6 million in 1985. From this high profile start, the company has grown considerably in its capabilities with the management constantly evaluating new challenges. Since inception, the company's management and workforce have worked on the philosophy that any long term business vision needs to be founded on the principles of: Client satisfaction - addressed through optimal design and construction of facilities that meet the needs of the client whilst incorporating superlative Quality, Maintain the interests of all employees through the implementation of stringent HSE policies,

   Vijay Tanks and Company LLC

   P.O. Box.107, Hamriya, PC 131, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman PC 131


   +968 24784758



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