Zawawi Business Development Co LLC, Jibroo, , Sultanate of Oman
Zawawi Business Development Co LLC
Seller ID: SA7684912774
Registration Date: 24-10-2017 15:24:33
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Industrial Manufacturing
Established Year: 2005
Total Staff:
Category: Oil and Gas
Sub Category: Oil and Gas Drilling

Zawawi Business Development Co LLC

The OMZEST Group, now in its fifth decade of business excellence, has been making significant contributions to the economic development of Oman, helping creation of an empowered and successful nation. Omzest LogoWith business volumes exceeding a billion dollar, OMZEST provides employment to several thousands. We are a multi-location conglomerate with diverse interests across a wide range of products and services. With manufacturing and export operations that cater to the demand in nearly a hundred countries across the globe, our ambitions are on a global scale. With over 75 wholly owned and associate companies, OMZEST forms one of the Sultanate’s premier and diversified business Groups. Our Chairman, H.E. Dr. Omar Bin Abdul Muniem Al Zawawi, Special Advisor for External Liaison to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and a leading entrepreneur, spearheaded OMZEST’s rapid growth to its present position of eminence. In keeping with the policies of His Majesty’s Government, the Group’s contribution to the growth of the private sector continues to be an integral part of its corporate goals. Manufacturing is a focus area in the Sultanate. Nearly 63% of OMZEST’s revenue is derived from this sector. Currently, OMZEST produces a variety of products – from automotive batteries to yoghurt. Many of these products are market leaders in the Sultanate and are exported to nearly 100 countries spanning all the continents. Exports now account for nearly 75% of the total turnover of our Manufacturing companies.

   Zawawi Business Development Co LLC

   P.o Box 675, P.c 114, Jibroo, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24719500



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