Al Ghadeer Modern Enterprises, Al Buraimi, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Ghadeer Modern Enterprises
Seller ID: SA3283464152
Registration Date: 02-11-2017 17:14:54
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Suppliers of Plastic Molded Products
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Food and Beverages
Sub Category: Manufacture and Distribution

Al Ghadeer Modern Enterprises

Al Ghadeer Modern (AGM) Enterprises is known name in Oman, United Arab Emirates and other GCC countries for providing top quality and environmental friendly water bottle caps. These innovative caps eliminate spilling when the bottle is placed on the cooler. The inner cap opens smoothly and reseals securely when the bottle is removed from the cooler. All kinds of caps are produced in natural colors for greater recycling potential. Although it is available in a variety of colors. Custom non-adhesive Kleen-Peel labels and foam liners are also available. AGM is a pioneer in supplying plastic injection molded products to the dairy, bottled water and juice industries. This handle along with the equipment to assemble it to fiber-board cartons was sold in the hundreds of millions to the water industry. When blow molded bottles came into use, AGM was one of the first suppliers of injection molded caps. Many companies have come and gone in this industry with AGM surviving as one of the major suppliers. Through the years the company has developed a wide range of caps for the dairy and bottled water industries.

   Al Ghadeer Modern Enterprises

   PO Box 478, Al Buraimi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 25642881



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