Alabrawi National Projects Trading and Construction, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Alabrawi National Projects Trading and Construction
Seller ID: SA1653861699
Registration Date: 25-09-2017 18:01:29
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Electrical Accessories
Established Year: 2001
Total Staff: 1-10
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Electrical Accessories

Alabrawi National Projects Trading and Construction

Salim Al-Balushi, founder of Al Abrawi National Projects Trading & Construction (ANPTCO), trained as an electrical engineer and always cultivated a keen interest in technology. This background motivated him to form ANPTCO, which has operated from its headquarters in Muscat for over ten years. Mr. Balushi aspired to provide cutting-edge technology to Omani consumers, many of whom could benefit from, but lacked access to, the high-tech products they were exposed to in movies and social media. Today, ANPTCO offers a wide array of home automation and security services, with core competencies in CCTV, intercom, alarm systems and electrical maintenance for both private and commercial clients

   Alabrawi National Projects Trading and Construction

   PO Box: 887, PC 111, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24497628



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