Al Rafaa Trading & Contracting LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Rafaa Trading & Contracting LLC
Seller ID: SA5278492119
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 17:55:20
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Engineering Service
Established Year:
Total Staff:
Category: Trading Company
Sub Category: Engineering Service

Al Rafaa Trading & Contracting LLC

The initial company under the name of 'Golden Gulf Company' and was the brainchild of Arun K Johar, a British National and accountant by profession, who worked as a manager for an electrical firm for two years in Oman before conceiving Golden Gulf Company on January 1, 1980. Prior to this he worked as an accountant/manager in the UK for 10 years. Mr. Ali K. A. Al Shaihani had by coincidence just commenced his own adventure into business under 'Ali Shaihani Trading and Contracting Establishment' and incidentally was Arun Johar’s first client in the Sultanate of Oman in December 1979. In early 1980 they formed a long and lasting partnership which is ever fresh even now. After a few years the partners realized that the Sultanate of Oman lacked electricity infrastructure and that the government was going to give a big push to electrification in the coming years. That is when they decided to look into the same and specialise in transmission line materials and equipment. Later Golden Gulf Company was divided into two separate companies, instead of Divisions which were being operated until that point.

   Al Rafaa Trading & Contracting LLC

   PO Box 2606 PC 112 Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 112


   +968 24619100



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