FOS Energy LLC, Al Khuwair, , Sultanate of Oman
FOS Energy LLC
Seller ID: SA3594953284
Registration Date: 15-08-2017 16:40:59
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil & Energy
Established Year: 1999
Total Staff: 51-200
Category: Oilfield Services
Sub Category: Wireline Services

FOS Energy LLC

FOS Energy LLC began as “Fahud Oilfield Services” in 1999 when an initiative of His Majesty’s Government encouraged the development of Omani owned companies in the well services sector. The shareholders of FOS chose Halliburton Worldwide Ltd. as its alliance partner. The Technical Services Agreement was signed in early 2000. The commencement of a major PDO Pumping Services contract in 2000 by Halliburton and its partner FOS was cited as an 'innovative solution to meet the needs of the Oman Government' and a landmark in the development of independent, wholly Omani-owned well service companies.In the years of incubation from 2000 to 2003, FOS worked in a unique relationship with Halliburton, by providing (learning) well site services at the highest international standards while developing its own strengths as a local company. During this period, FOS decided to diversify into other areas of oilfield service activity. Success swiftly followed when FOS was awarded the PDO Drill Stem Testing contract in 2001 and a PDO Exploration Well Testing contract in early 2002.

   FOS Energy LLC

   PO Box 421, PC 133, Al Khuwair, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24403000



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