Ikhtiar Group, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate Of Oman
Ikhtiar Group
Seller ID: SA5946622765
Registration Date: 19-09-2017 13:36:32
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Facilities Management
Established Year: 1981
Total Staff:
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Engineering and Environment

Ikhtiar Group

At Ikhtiar Group, we believe in innovation and delivering consistent, sustainable profit growth. Our experiences go hand in hand with the directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to promote sustainable growth and development for Oman. Since our establishment in 1981, we have learned to catalyze the Sultanate’s economic development by effectively seeking, analyzing and structuring high-growth investment opportunities. Our focus has hereby been on the creation of a diversified business portfolio that satisfies both our customer’s needs and our stakeholder’s expectations. The goal was and remains to be top-class in our areas of expertise. Over the years, our entrepreneurship spirit has driven us to invest into sustainable infrastructures in areas such as real estate, property & facilities management, hotel & tourism, hospitality & retail and information technology. The future will see us focus on organic growth in those sectors, as well as funding of new sectors and opportunities. Hand in hand with our community activities, I believe we are ready to meet future challenges

   Ikhtiar Group

   PO Box 1970, PC 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 24942600



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