Niama Water & Life, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, , Sultanate of Oman
Niama Water & Life
Seller ID: SA6778589186
Registration Date: 05-10-2017 13:29:22
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Agriculture
Established Year: 2012
Total Staff:
Category: Agriculture
Sub Category: Farms

Niama Water & Life

Established in 2012, our delicious produce is available throughout the year and grown in Oman. As the first to use hydroponic technology in the Sultanate, we have made it our mission to grow healthier plants for a healthier lifestyle. Our top quality crops – from bell peppers to various kinds of tomatoes – are sold throughout Oman and the Gulf region and easily recognizable by their superior flavour and texture. At Nia’ma, we look far beyond the initial growing, and make sure our tomatoes and bell peppers are picked, packed and shipped at the peak of ripeness. Through our CSR programs, we also share our expert knowledge with local farmers and educational institutions, placing sustainability at the forefront of everything we do. Nia’ma is part of Water & Life Agriculture Company, a joint venture by Al Hosn Investment Company (owning 85% of the company) and its Spanish technical partners MSC Fabricas Agricolas and ZETA Amaltea (owning remaining 15% of the company).

   Niama Water & Life

   PO Box- 566, PC-115, Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 26895447,26895443



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