Octal, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Seller ID: SA2879163331
Registration Date: 05-11-2017 12:38:58
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Oil and Gas Related Services
Established Year: 2006
Total Staff: 501-1,000
Category: Oil and Gas
Sub Category: Oil and Gas Equipment


OCTAL is the world's largest producer of PET sheet and resin on a single site and the world's leading clear rigid packing material supplier, producing nearly 1 million metric tons of bottle grade PET and DPETâ„¢ sheet per year. Our large-scale production facilities, innovative products and global reach are enhancing the performance of our customers around the world by converting from PVC, polystyrene and PP to our fully-recyclable and economically-efficient DPETâ„¢ solutions. Since beginning operations in 2006, OCTAL has continuously invested to meet the increasing PET requirements of the global marketplace. In 2012, to ensure our PET solutions met international demand and continued to drive change in the industry, OCTAL increased capacity by 600,000 tons. Our products positively impact not only our customers but the end user by offering a fully-recyclable and visually appealing product.


   PO Box 3786. P.C 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 22030700



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