Al Nahdha Al Omaniah Co LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Al Nahdha Al Omaniah Co LLC
Seller ID: SA1314772673
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 18:40:52
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Civil and Construction Contracting
Established Year:
Total Staff: 501-1000
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Civil and Construction Contracting

Al Nahdha Al Omaniah Co LLC

AL NAHDHA AL OMANIAH CO. LLC "NOC" is the flagship of Al Nahdha Al Omaniah group of companies fully integrated and horizontally spread with Nationwide Contracting and Trading activities, in well diversified Technical and Commercial disciplines maintaining fast growing track records with many land marks, milestones, its exemplary saga of success contributing enormously to gross domestic and welfare products of Sultanate of Oman with the Head office in Muscat and branches in various parts of Oman. As an excellent Grade Contractor, Al Nahdha Al Omaniah is registered with the Government Tender Board. It is registered with PDO, MOD, Occidental Oman, and Muscat Municipality, Diwan of Royal Court, ROP and many other Government bodies as well. Guided by seasoned entrepreneurs at its helm, Al Nahdha Al Omaniah's controlled diversification and total quality management steers the group towards success, never loosing sight of the immediate and long term goals.

   Al Nahdha Al Omaniah Co LLC

   P.O. Box 1857, P.C 112, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 112


   +968 24704910,24704198



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