German University of Technology in Oman, Al Udhaybah, , Sultanate Of Oman
German University of Technology in Oman
Seller ID: SA1884779371
Registration Date: 18-09-2017 16:43:53
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Educational Institution
Established Year: 2007
Total Staff: 201-500
Category: Educational Institutes and Universities
Sub Category: College & Universities

German University of Technology in Oman

The history of the German University of Technology (GUtech) can be traced back to 2003, when visionary Omanis contemplated the establishment of a high quality university of technology in Oman. This vision was inspired by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos’ directions for the provision of quality higher education in Oman by private investors.RWTH Aachen University in Germany was approached with the intention of bringing German excellence in education to Oman. After few years of discussion and negotiation, the founders were ready to begin a plan of action for establishing a university. In August 2006, Oman Educational Services L.L.C. (OES), a limited liability company under the laws of the Sultanate of Oman, was incorporated to establish a university on formal footing. OES is also the legal entity responsible for initiating education related future projects.

   German University of Technology in Oman

   PO Box 1816,PC 130, Al Udhaybah, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 22061111



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