Muscat Securities Market (MSM), Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Muscat Securities Market (MSM)
Seller ID: SA4448293689
Registration Date: 09-11-2017 13:00:52
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Financial Services
Established Year:
Total Staff: 51-200
Category: Financial Services
Sub Category:

Muscat Securities Market (MSM)

The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) was established by the Royal Decree (53/88) issued on 21 June 1988 to regulate and control the Omani securities market and to participate, effectively, with other organizations for setting up the infrastructure of the Sultanate's financial sector. After ten years of continuous growth there was a need for a better functioning of the Market. The MSM has been restructured by two Royal Decrees (80/98) and (82/98). The Royal Decree (80/98) dated November 9th 1998 which promulgated the new Capital Market Law provides for the establishment of two separate entities, an exchange, Muscat Securities Market (MSM) where all listed securities shall be traded and the Capital Market Authority(CMA) - the regulatory. The Exchange is a governmental entity, financially and administratively independent from the regulatory but subject to its supervision. Thus the securities industry in Oman was well established to enhance investors' confidence by developing and improving all the processes appertaining to the stock market.

   Muscat Securities Market (MSM)

   PO Box 3265 Postal Code 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24823600



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