Nadan Engineering Consultancy, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Nadan Engineering Consultancy
Seller ID: SA6567178617
Registration Date: 26-12-2017 14:10:25
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Engineering Consultancy
Established Year: 1993
Total Staff: 11-50
Category: Engineering Consultancy
Sub Category: Engineering Service

Nadan Engineering Consultancy

Established in 1993 by Engg. Hassan al- Amry and a team of three designers, the core activities were restricted to land survey works and the design & supervision of private residential villa projects. Today, with over a decade of growth and expansion, we have established ourselves as a frontrunner in the Industry. Operating through a strong base in Muscat and it's regional offices, we are able to offer professional services and site support facilites in each of them. Our rapidly growing 25 member team of architects / engineers / surveyors and technical personnel represent the best the industry has to offer. This has been instrumental in leading to a manifold increase in design options.

   Nadan Engineering Consultancy

   P.O.Box 121, PC 111 Seeb Airport, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24496199



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