Oman Shapoorji LLC (OSCO), Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Oman Shapoorji LLC (OSCO)
Seller ID: SA1153975553
Registration Date: 22-08-2017 14:36:23
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction Company
Established Year: 1971
Total Staff: 5001-10,000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Oman Shapoorji LLC (OSCO)

Shapoorji Pallonji has had the privilege to play a significant role in the growth of not only Mumbai and India, but also several parts of the globe. We pride the fact that our first overseas project was in OMAN, when, in 1971, we became the first Indian construction house to undertake contracts in the Middle East. Shapoorji Pallonji won a global tender to build the palace of HM Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said- in Muscat.Going forward Oman Shapoorji Company (OSCO) won a project in 1975- a nine-storey apartment blocks in Ruwi for HE Sheikh Mustahail Al Mashani. Since then OSCO went on constructing many landmark structures. OSCO has been at the forefront of Oman’s economic renaissance. Today, OSCO has four divisions’ Engineering & Construction, Integrated Facilities Management, MEPI and Infrastructure.

   Oman Shapoorji LLC (OSCO)

   P.O Box 1347, Postal Code 112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24590297



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