Kirby Building Systems, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
Kirby Building Systems
Seller ID: SA9631456472
Registration Date: 24-10-2017 18:05:57
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year: 1976
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Turnkey Contracting

Kirby Building Systems

Kirby offers one of the most comprehensive Pre-engineered steel buildings-PEB product portfolios globally, with applications in major market segments including heavy industry, infrastructure, high-rise buildings, warehouses, factories, oil and gas and leisure structures.The company maintains a strong reputation for delivering customer- designed and cost- effective solutions for steel buildings that are manufactured to the highest quality standards, and a committment to providinge top class service to its customers. Our commitment to excellence provides unmatched product quality, coupled with speed, safety and superior sales services.We at Kirby offer a worry-free solution to our clients. We go that extra-mile through our systems, process and our internal orientation to ensure that commissioning a Kirby project is a seamless and effortless experience for our clients.

   Kirby Building Systems

   PO Box 1127, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24478935



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