WJ Towell And Co LLC, Ruwi, , Sultanate of Oman
WJ Towell And Co LLC
Seller ID: SA3285444381
Registration Date: 26-12-2017 18:21:24
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year:
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Group of Companies
Sub Category: Agricultural Commodities Products

WJ Towell And Co LLC

WJ Towell & Co.LLC was founded in 1866 and named after William Jack Towell from the UK and is one of the oldest family businesses in the Gulf region. Mohamed Fadhil, the great grandfather of the Sultan family, was working as a retail trader in Muscat. He became the CEO of WJ Towell & Co.LLC and succeeded in expanding the company's business. The company started to get mercantile agencies for insurance and imported US produced kerosene as well as commodities and consumer items. Shipping was the company's main strength and WJ Towell became the agent of British India Steam Navigation (B.I.). B.I started its first regular service to the Gulf in 1862, carrying passengers and goods between the Gulf countries and India. The port of Muscat was a busy port in the region at that time and WJ Towell's business thrived. The company exported dates, pomegranate, dried fish, dry lime and other agricultural products to other countries in the region and in Europe. Mohamed Fadhil became a deputy to the Consul of the USA in 1893. In 1907 he became the Consul's representative in addition to his position as deputy. He bought WJ Towell & Co.LLC in 1914, and as Towell had become a well known company, he decided to keep this British name and WJ Towell became an all Omani company.

   WJ Towell And Co LLC

   PO Box 1040, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24526000



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