Al Mawakab National Trading & Construction Company, LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate Of Oman
Al Mawakab National Trading & Construction Company, LLC
Seller ID: SA8757936196
Registration Date: 06-09-2017 13:03:09
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Construction
Established Year: 2007
Total Staff: 201-500
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Building Materials and Construction

Al Mawakab National Trading & Construction Company, LLC

(Al Mawakab National Trad. and Construction Company LLC, OMAN) was established in 2007. Various projects have been done by MNT which like buildings, roads, water and power plants. Sufficient equipment and experienced staff can satisfy the project requirement. MNT setup to make its client and owners completely relaxed and satisfied by providing them with the right professional assistance. MNT is continuously pursuing its mission of “building excellent projects and satisfying customer’s wishes. In pursuit of our philosophy of cooperation based on “partnership in integrity and win-win progress”, MNT sincerely welcomes partners from all over the world to work together to achieve our shared mission and goals.

   Al Mawakab National Trading & Construction Company, LLC

   P.O. Box No 2682, Muscat, Sultanate Of Oman


   +968 23289493



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