Douglas OHI LLC, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Douglas OHI LLC
Seller ID: SA2561323896
Registration Date: 29-08-2017 17:18:33
Free Member / Active
Business Type: Privately Held
Established Year: 1981
Total Staff: 1001-5000
Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Douglas OHI LLC

Douglas OHI L.L.C is a joint venture Omani-British Company established in 1981 to carry out construction projects in the Sultanate. The Omani Partner is Oman Holdings International Co. S.A.O.C. The British Partner is Interserve Plc, which changed its name on 7th March, 2001 from Tilbury Douglas Plc, a long-established and substantial construction group listed on the London Stock Exchange. Tilbury Douglas Plc was formed in 1992 with the merger of R.M. Douglas Plc and Tilbury Plc resulting in a diverse, financially strong company with excellent technical and management capabilities. Douglas OHI has undertaken a variety of civil and building projects throughout its 30 years of trading. Over the past 20 years it has ventured into oilfield activities throughout the interior of the country. The remoteness and geography in which the work has been carried out have presented many challenges which led to the development of our proven safety and quality systems.

   Douglas OHI LLC

   P.O.Box 1639, Postal Code: 114, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman 114


   +968 24590540



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