Muscat International School (MIS), Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Muscat International School (MIS)
Seller ID: SA9866127743
Registration Date: 05-11-2017 14:23:03
Free Member / Active
Business Type: School
Established Year: 1989
Total Staff:
Category: Educational Institutes and Universities
Sub Category: Schools

Muscat International School (MIS)

Muscat International School (MIS) was founded in 1989 and is centrally located in Qurum and was the first school in Oman to pioneer the IGCSE/A level curriculum. MIS is a private, co-educational day school, licensed by the Omani Ministry of Education to deliver the English national curriculum alongside Arabic, Islamic Studies and Social Studies from the Omani curriculum, to students of all nationalities in the KG to Grade 12 age range. MIS strives for excellence to lead in the field of educating young adults for the world of tomorrow. The School believes in the dignity and worth of each student, and his/her unlimited potential for growth. Students thrive in a disciplined and challenging learning environment that nurtures and sustains their inquisitiveness. A strong family-school partnership is encouraged to foster a positive educational experience for each child. Students’ needs are best met through differentiated teaching styles, resulting in independent learners who not only master basic skills but demonstrate original thinking and problem solving. In addition to the core academic subjects, students are actively involved in the arts, foreign language study, physical activity, and pursuits in technology. Through an emphasis on tolerance and respect for differences, students are prepared to function successfully in today’s diverse society It is the conviction of MIS that education is the well-rounded and complete development of the learner to his or her fullest potential. It is with this conviction in mind MIS has planned the development of it physical facilities, its curriculum, its educational equipment, assessment programmes and selection of staff. It manages it affairs to continue to be an outstanding educational establishment that actively meets the needs of all with an interest in its operation.

   Muscat International School (MIS)

   Muscat Expressway, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman


   +968 24565550



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