Atlas Copco, Muscat, , Sultanate of Oman
Atlas Copco
Seller ID: SA6678836985
Registration Date: 31-08-2017 16:45:32
Free Member / Active
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Category: Construction Company
Sub Category: Civil Engineering Works

Atlas Copco

Our products help customers to achieve sustainable productivity in a wide range of markets including manufacturing and process industries, construction, oil and gas, general engineering, automotive, assembly, mining and rock excavation. Atlas Copco in Oman handles the sales, service and marketing of industrial gas and air compressors, expanders, dryers and filters, compressor parts & service and vacuum pumps; construction and demolition tools including mobile compressors, pumps, light towers and generators, excavator attachments, handheld tools, compaction and road construction equipment; industrial electric, pneumatic, cordless assembly tools, bolting tightening solutions and services alongside an extensive range of pneumatic grinders, sanders, drills, chipping hammers and riveting systems, and mining equipment.

   Atlas Copco

   Atlas Copco Services Middle East, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

   +968 91472353

   +968 22084530



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